To Add a Smart Rule, follow the steps below:
Click on the Smart Rule icon in the left sidebar of the TxHelpdesk ticket listing page.
Add a new rule - click on the icon in the top right corner of the Smart Rule listing page.
Description of the SmartRule form fields are given below:
Rule Name: The name you would like to give for the SmartRule.
Active: Toggle to activate or deactivate Smart Rule
One Time Execution: One-time execution can be set be on tickets, So it executes the rule only once when the criteria match. Toggle to activate or deactivate Smart Rule
Clauses:: Clause defines the conditions or rules. On what condition do you want to activate this Smart Rule.
1. Match ALL of these conditions: – All aspects of the Rule must be satisfied in order to take the action(s).
Select the Attributes with the help of the drop-down menu. You can add the attributes by click on the icon , also can delete the same by click on the delete icon
2..Match ANY of these conditions – Only one aspect of the Rule must be satisfied in order to take the action(s).
Select the Attributes with the help of the dropdown menu. You can add the attributes by click on the icon , also can delete the same by click on
delete icon
Queues: Queues on which this Smart Rule is activated. Click on the Select All button. all the queues will be displayed. Remove the queues where the rule need not be executed, just click on the close sign to remove.
Action: Action to be taken if conditions are matched.
Actions list page
Select the Action with the help of the drop-down menu and Set the values. You can add the Action by click on the icon , also can delete the same by click on the delete icon
Fields marked with * are mandatory
3. Click on ‘Submit’ to add the Smart Rule.
Please refer to the image below as an example to set priorities for tickets via smart rule
In the below image Smart Rule has been set to automatically update the ticket priority as low if the Description of the ticket contains FileUploader. for the queue Support.
Automating these processes can allow the user to spend more time resolving problems.